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The work of this project has been supported by a number of sources over the years.

From 1995-2000, support in the form of research time was provided to John Stonham by the University of Hong Kong. From 1997-2000 financial support was provided by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council in the form of a major research grant awarded to Stonham.

Subsequent to this, the research was supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (then, AHRB), from 2001-2006. Again this was supplemented by research leave provided by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

In addition, the AHRC provided addition funding under the auspices of a Pilot Dissemination Award scheme to provide support for enhancing the dissemination of the findings via this set of web pages.

Currently, Prof. Stonham's work is supported by Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea. This research, like any work on a language, is ongoing and results will continue to be reported as they arise. As such, these webpages as subject to continual, though not necessarily regular, revision.

© John Stonham, 2006